The Real Goal of Ten Commandments Mandates

They are not seeking to create an official church of the state. They are seeking to create a state run exclusively by a particular kind of Christian supremacist who ensures the courts impose "biblical" law. How far have they already come?

The Real Goal of Ten Commandments Mandates
Photo by Ian Hutchinson / Unsplash

What is the end game of the lawmakers and activists behind Louisiana's Ten Commandments mandate? To say they're trying to force their religion on public school children, in violation of the (now nearly nonexistent) separation of church and state, doesn't quite capture the stunning scope of their goals. Nor are they merely seeking a "broader Christian agenda," as the New York Times blandly put it this weekend.

The Louisiana lawmakers are part of a larger network of activists and lawyers who seek nothing less than a Christian supremacist legal system. This might be hard to visualize. Their aspirations might sound like an unattainable fantasy of upending the legal system with "biblical law." But they are true believers. They are in this for the long haul. And their recent successes give us a chilling window into the future they want.

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