More than a week after the Republican Party adopted its Trump-shortened platform, the Christian right is still grumbling about being shut out of the drafting process, and about how the final document watered down their core demands to end abortion.

Trump's record of proudly ending Roe, along with his running mate JD Vance's prolific record of anti-abortion extremism, are an anti-abortion activist's dream. For everyone else, it now dawns on Trump, this ticket is a nightmare.

That's why Trump and Vance want to trick non-base voters into believing they are suddenly very chill about abortion. To the Christian right leadership, though, they are playing a game of wink and nod–showing that if they were to win the election, banning abortion would absolutely be on the table.

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Trump & Co. Are Terrified Their Abortion Stance Is a Huge Loser

Trump and Vance have tried to run like the wind from their past positions on abortion. No one should be fooled.