Holy Shit and Holy War

The freakout about Biden's debate performance in the context of the Republican Party's apocalyptic attacks on the election.

Holy Shit and Holy War
Photo by Farhat Altaf / Unsplash

The post-debate story in the Washington Post, headlined "Democrats panic over Biden’s debate performance, doubt his future," began like this: "One Democratic donor texted a face-palm emoji with a single word: 'Oy.' Another was more blunt, texting a yellow emoji spewing green vomit."

We've become far too numb to these types of "elite" or "party insider" sources dishing on background. Hiding behind the comfortable anonymity of this all-too-common Washington arrangement, they text like chums with reporters, confident they can push the national conversation in their desired direction, without attaching their name to it.

Meanwhile, Trump's Republican Party is fighting a holy war against democracy, including the election itself.

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