The Looking Glass

The Looking Glass

After years of resistance, I've at long last started a newsletter: The Looking Glass.

Why now, and what is this newsletter? I'm an investigative journalist, author, and columnist who has covered the Christian right and rightwing extremism for 20 years. I've written a book about the Republican Party's embrace of the prosperity gospel (2008), and a book about how white evangelicals became, and remain, Donald Trump's most devoted base (2020). I'm currently an MSNBC columnist and a contributor to Talking Points Memo. For many years was a reporter with Type Investigations, and have contributed to many other publications.

While I am launching this newsletter in June 2024, five nail-biting months before the potentially tectonic presidential election, The Looking Glass will cover much more than the election, Trump, and the Christian right. You can also expect posts about the media, political reporting, history, books, and even discussions about fiction--including actual fiction and the devious fictions of our messianic, messy, manic moment.

Now, more than ever, we need to understand what led us here, how to make sense of the nonsensical, and how to extricate ourselves from crisis.

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